quinta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2008


Course on modeling the soil-water-plant-atmosphere system with the SWAP-model developed at the Wageningen University and Research Centre The course will take place at the ESALQ/USP in Piracicaba (SP) from Tuesday 25 to Friday 28 November 2008, being lectured by two of the model developers, Jos C. Van Dam and Johannes G. Kroes from WUR (Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands).

Participation is free of charge. The entire course will be in English, with no simultaneous translation. Therefore, participation is restricted to those who have a good domination of the English language. Those participating should attend to the entire course, i.e., from Tuesday to Friday. Partial attendance is not possible. For more information about the SWAP model, see http://www.swap.alterra.nl/

Tuesday 25 November: Introduction, Soil water flow, Evapotranspiration, Field
irrigation and drainage, Introduction to the SWAP program, Basic exercises with
Wednesday 26 November: Solute transport, Surface water management, Crop growth,
Exercises with SWAP
Thursday 27 November: Regional applications and coupling to transport models, Flow
and transport in macroporous soils, Application and interpretation of model results,
Exercises with SWAP
Friday 28 November: Advanced use of SWAP, Exercises with SWAP, SWAP course

Those interested in participating are required to send a pre-registration to qdjvlier@esalq.usp.br, including your full name, academic title, occupation, institution, and research area. The deadline for pre-registering is September 30, 2008.

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